Power BI Semantic Modelling Scripts
Why spend 100's of hours fiddling in Power BI desktop when you can automate your Power BI model development.
For the price of a senior software developer for a day you can have access to these fully customisable C# scripts which you can run in Tabular Editor to automate your Power BI semantic model development. The scripts do the following
- Check for Power Query transformations
- Check for calculated columns
- Ensure partition name is same as table name
- Format columns
- Hide columns starting and ending with a suffix
- Hide columns in fact tables used in measures
- Set primary key as True to dimension table columns
- Set summarize By as None for all dimension table columns
- Format measures
- Add 'Sice by columns from' text to each measure description
- Check if measures are in the dedicated MEASURES table
- Add text to each column description if it is used in any measure
- Add text to each fact table description giving the dimension tables it can be sliced by
- Set display folders to columns and table group in dimension tables
- Set encoding hint to Value for integer and decimal columns
- Set IsAvailableInMDX to false to columns not used for slicing/filtering
You can develop ~90% of the semantic model build with these scripts. What these scripts do not do are
- Import tables in model
- Apply Sort By to columns in a generic manner
It has taken me countless hours of coding, testing, tuning to get these to work and it has saved me 100's of hours in the process. It has been a total gamechanger for me as I just have to press Run and the script does everything in a few seconds.
BONUS: You will also get a 40 point semantic model checklist thrown in. This is a must have if you are serious about semantic model development. Every item in the checklist needs to be ticked off before you deploy objects (tables, columns, measures ) to production.
NOTE: The scripts HAVE to be customised for your specific model.
Ex: Your primary keys may have a suffix of "_PK" while in the script a suffix of "ID_PK" is used. So you will have to make the change accordingly to make it work in your model. Do not purchase if you are not comfortable with customising C# scripts. You will not have to customise any logic - just the model object names
ALSO NOTE: The script will work best if you have star schemas in the model. If your model is a spaghetti hotchpotch it will not work as well.
The scripts are provided "as-is". Capstone Analytics Pty Ltd makes no warranties, express or implied that the scripts will work correctly on your Power BI model. By downloading and using this product you understand the risks involved and that Capstone Analytics Pty Ltd will not be held responsible for any harm to your computer system, Power BI model or loss of data or any other harm that results from your access and use of this product.
Any changes to the script will be charged a consulting rate of $175/hr.
C# scripts for Power BI semantic modelling design